About Me

Thiago Meireles

I'm a PhD Candidate in Political Science at University of São Paulo. My research deals with the impacts of artificial intelligence on the labor market and income inequality. I used to research about internationalization processes of subnational governments in a comparative perspective. My research interests also include distributive conflicts and their impacts on inequality, as well as methodologies for causal inference. I have a master's degree in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (2016) and a bachelor's degree in International Relations from São Paulo State University (2012).

My Career

PhD Candidate in Political Science, University of São Paulo

I am developing a research about the impacts of artificial intelligence on the labor market and income inequality. Teaching assistant experiences in “Quantitative Methods and Techniques in Political Science” (Graduate and undergraduate), “Introduction to Programming and Computational Tools for the Social Sciences” (Graduate) and “Urbanization, Development and Environment” (Undergraduate).

Since Jan. 2017
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) Fellowship

M.A. in Political Science, University of São Paulo

I developed a research about the effects of federal policy changes for subnational international activities. Teaching assistant experiences in “Quantitative Methods and Techniques in Political Science” (Graduate and undergraduate), and “What is representation?” (Undergraduate).

Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES) Fellowship

B.A. in International Relations, São Paulo State University

I developed a research about the policy change in federal government for subnational international activities.

Pro-rectory of Extension (PROEX) of São Paulo State University Undergraduate Fellowship

My Skills